French Bulldog

French Bulldogs, with their unique appearance and infectious energy, have established themselves as one of the most adored dog breeds in the world. Their charm, captivating personalities, and clownish behaviour have won the hearts of dog enthusiasts far and wide. Despite their glum expressions, these small to medium-sized dogs ooze playfulness, alertness, and adaptability that make them truly irresistible. With their miniature Bulldog-like features, accentuated by their iconic upright ‘bat ears,’ French Bulldogs effortlessly stand out from the pack.

Physical Description


Up to 14 kg


Up to 30 cm

Coat Length:



Brindle, fawn, pied, cream, black, white, blue,merle and lilac

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The History of French Bulldogs

The origin of French Bulldogs, nicknamed ‘Frenchies’, is the subject of much speculation. The most widely accepted view is Lace Worker Migration Theory.  Toy Bulldogs were popular among lacemakers in Nottingham, England as they liked to use them as lap warmers while they worked. When the lace industry in England declined during the industrial revolution, many lacemakers moved to France and took their dogs with them. 

Toy Bulldog trading between England and France became common, with English breeders gladly selling dogs they considered to have ‘faults’ to the French. These ‘faults’ refer to characteristics that were not desirable in the show ring according to the English breed standards, included bat ears (ears that stand up) and a compact, muscular body.

These toy Bulldogs were crossed with Terriers, Ratters and Pugs to create the French Bulldog we know and love today. French Bulldogs first gained popularity among Parisians and later became a status symbol within French society, appealing to artists, businessmen, and aristocrats. Affluent Americans who visited Paris succumbed to the irresistible allure of the French Bulldog and brought them back to America.


French Bulldogs are strong, compact dogs with large heads that are almost square in appearance. French Bulldogs are significantly smaller than Bulldogs and have large, erect ‘bat ears’ which are the breed’s trademark. 

Both male and female French Bulldogs weigh 8 -14 kg on average. Males usually stand around 30 cm while females are slightly shorter at 28 cm. 

The coat of a French Bulldog is generally short and smooth. They come in three recognised colors, g brindle, fawn and pied. Other colours such as cream, black, white, blue,merle and lilac, are considered “unofficial” by some breed standards and may not be accepted in certain show competitions.Their coat is generally short and comes in a variety of colours.

French Bulldogs are a brachycephalic breed which gives them their signature flat faces and short noses. Frenchies occasionally display a distinctive feature known as a “screw tail.” This occurs when the bones in the tail have a reduced number, resulting in a charming curl or kink. While not found in all dogs and not considered ideal, these unique tails contribute to the breed’s individuality. According to breed standards, the preferred tail is thick at the base, tapering towards the tip, and ideally straight. 

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At first glance, it’s easy to confuse a French Bulldog with a Boston Terrier. However, there are a fair amount of differences between the two breeds. Both breeds are characterised by their adorable oversized ears, with French Bulldogs possessing the larger and rounder ears of the two. 

In terms of physique, Boston Terriers tend to be leaner and taller while French Bulldogs are shorter and stockier. The French Bulldog’s lifespan also tends to be shorter at 10-12 years compared to a Boston Terrier’s 11-13 years.

Pugs and French Bulldogs are often mistaken for one another, but they have unique histories and appearances. While both breeds are undeniably adorable, their origins differ significantly. French Bulldogs originated in France, while the roots of Pugs can be traced back to ancient China, where they were cherished by Emperors during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-200 AD).

In terms of size, the two breeds are generally similar, although French Bulldogs tend to be heavier and have a more muscular body. Both breeds share the characteristic of being brachycephalic, characterised by their flat faces. However, French Bulldogs stand out with their distinctive ‘bat ears,’ which remain erect, while Pugs have less pronounced, floppy ears. Their short coats further contribute to their charm, and the difference in tail length can help differentiate between the two; Pugs have shorter tails compared than French Bulldogs.

Pugs typically have a longer average lifespan of 12-15 years, while French Bulldogs generally live for 10-12 years.

The English Bulldog has a rich history dating back to the 13th century in England, where they were originally bred for bull-baiting. As bullfighting declined in popularity in the 1800s, they were bred to have a less aggressive temperament. This transition allowed them to become beloved companion dogs.

One prominent distinction between English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs is their size. English Bulldogs tend to be much larger, typically weighing between 23 and 24 kilograms. While both breeds can adapt well to apartment living, English Bulldogs may require slightly more space due to their size.

In terms of lifespan, English Bulldogs generally have a slightly shorter average lifespan compared to French Bulldogs, ranging from 8 to 10 years. The lifespan of both breeds can be influenced by various health conditions, including heart problems and respiratory issues, which are more commonly associated with brachycephalic breeds.

You’ve probably heard of the Miniature French Bulldog (also known as Teacup Frenchies), however, it isn’t an official breed. Miniature French Bulldogs are a version of the standard French Bulldog that is bred to be smaller than normal. 

The breeding of Mini French Bulldogs involves either cross-breeding, introducing dogs that carry the gene for dwarfism into the gene pool, or breeding two small Frenchies together. The breeding of Mini French Bulldogs is considered unethical, particularly when it involves two dogs with Dwarfism being bred together.


Despite their ‘tough’ appearance, French Bulldogs are full of affection on the inside. Their friendly, playful nature and ability to get along with children and other pets make them great family dogs. They tend to be adaptable and aren’t big barkers, making them well-suited to apartment living. 

Their love of human company means they don’t tolerate being left alone for too long and their favourite place to be will probably be right beside you!

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Common Ailments

Common French Bulldog Health Issues and How to Prevent Them:

French Bulldogs like many other brachycephalic breeds  are prone to Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS). BOAS is a respiratory disorder that consists of three abnormalities: narrowed nostrils, an elongated soft palate and a trachea that has a smaller diameter than normal (also known as hydroplastic). 

This condition is lifelong and progressive, with severe cases potentially shortening the dog’s lifespan.

Symptoms of BOAS include: 

  • Increased effort during breathing: This is often visible in the form of exaggerated movement of the dog’s abdomen and chest while breathing.
  • Noise/snoring sounds during breathing: A symptom characterized by unusual respiratory sounds, such as snoring or grunting, even while awake.
  • Coughing: This could be intermittent or frequent and often gets worse with exercise or excitement.
  • Shortness of breath: This can occur even after minimal physical activity.
  • Sleep apnea or other sleeping problems: These may manifest as disrupted sleep, snoring, or unusual sleeping positions.
  • Sensitivity to heat: French Bulldogs with BOAS may become distressed more quickly in warm conditions due to their impaired ability to regulate body temperature through panting.
  • Gagging and Regurgitation: Dogs with BOAS may often gag or retch, especially after eating or drinking. This is due to the changes in their upper respiratory system making it harder to swallow effectively.
  • Vomiting: This symptom can often be a result of the other symptoms of BOAS, such as the increased effort during breathing and the coughing. The pressure in the throat from these symptoms can sometimes lead to vomiting.
  • Sudden collapse: This is a severe symptom that can occur if the dog’s airway becomes critically obstructed.

Many dogs with BOAS will require surgery to improve or correct the anatomical issues that restrict airflow. This may include widening the nostrils, shortening the soft palate and/or removing excess tissue around the larynx. 

Hip Dysplasia occurs when the ball and socket joint of the hip isn’t formed correctly. Genetics often plays a significant role in Hip Dysplasia but it can also be caused by being overweight, trauma to the hips, or excessive strain on the hip joints as a puppy. Although it’s not possible to completely cure Hip Dysplasia, symptoms can be alleviated to improve your dog’s quality of life. 

Hip Dysplasia is a degenerative condition that will likely get worse over time, but proper medical treatment can slow down the degeneration of the hip joint. If your dog has Hip Dysplasia, you may notice symptoms such as:

  • Stiffness
  • A narrow stance
  • Hip pain or sensitivity 
  • Inability to climb stairs, jump, or run
  • Decreased activity and range of motion
  • “Bunny hopping” or swaying while walking
  • A grinding or clicking sound or feeling from the hip joint during movement

You can also help reduce the chances of your French Bulldog developing Hip Dysplasia by avoiding over-exercise, not letting them jump off high objects such as beds, feeding them a nutritious diet, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Although all dogs can suffer from heat stroke, French Bulldogs are at particular risk due to their shorter airways.

Symptoms of heat stroke in French Bulldogs include:

  • Excessive panting 
  • Drooling 
  • Vomiting 
  • Weakness and confusion 
  • Stumbling 
  • Feeling hot to the touch 

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately move your French Bulldog to a cooler area and run cool (not cold) water over their body, particularly the back of their head and neck. You should also seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible. 


Although all dog breeds are susceptible to allergies, French Bulldogs are particularly at risk of developing chronic allergies including food and environmental allergies.

If your French Bulldog is affected by allergies, you may notice:

  • Excessive itching or licking
  • Red or raw patches of skin developing on paws
  • Watery eyes, ear infections, or sneezing 
  • Diarrhoea or smelly/bloody stools
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy 

The first step to treating your French Bulldog’s allergies is to identify the allergen that is causing the symptoms. From there, you’ll be able to determine the best treatment – whether that is removing the allergen or providing medication.

Conjunctivitis refers to an inflammation of the tissue that covers the front part of the eyeball. Common symptoms of Conjunctivitis include:

  • Swollen eyelids
  • Red/bloodshot eyes 
  • Squinting 
  • Discharge from the eyes

This condition can be caused by a variety of things including allergies, dry eye, or other irritants. The treatment your vet prescribes will vary depending on the cause. Antibiotic ointments or medication are used to treat bacterial infections while elimination diets are often recommended for cases caused by allergies.

Cherry eye 

Cherry Eye involves swelling of the gland behind a French Bulldog’s third eyelid. This results in a visible protrusion of the gland as a reddish mass. It is most commonly seen in young dogs (although it can occur at any age) and often occurs in the other eye sometime afterwards. 

Symptoms of Cherry Eye include:

  • Squinting 
  • Impaired vision
  • Scratching or rubbing at the eye 
  • Dry eyes (due to an underproduction of tears)
  • Drainage from the eye (due to an overproduction of tears)
  • Swollen, red mass protruding from the eye 

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see a vet as soon as you can. Sometimes, the early stages of this condition can be treated with gentle massage or steroid anti-inflammatory eye drops. However, surgery is often recommended, especially if the cherry eye is recurrent. 

Deafness, or hearing loss, is common among French Bulldogs. White and Merle French Bulldogs are at a higher risk of deafness due to a piebald gene. The piebald gene is characterised by a lack of pigment cells which affects the small hairs in the inner ear (called cilia). Deafness is a result of the cilia not developing properly. 

Congenital deafness is present at birth and caused by genetic defects and Presbycusis is a form of deafness that develops slowly over time 

Symptoms of deafness include:

  • Unresponsive to everyday sounds
  • Unresponsive to its name
  • Unresponsive to the sounds of squeaky toys
  • Not woken by a loud noise

Puppies can be tested for congenital deafness as young as six weeks old. This test is known as the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) Test and measures the brain’s electrical activity in response to an auditory stimulus.

Commonly Asked Questions About French Bulldogs


You can start potty training as soon as you bring your French Bulldog puppy home. Choose a designated toileting area and take your puppy out every two hours. Make sure to take your puppy to the toilet when they wake up from a nap, after eating or drinking, and after play sessions. 

Your puppy may also show signs of needing the toilet such as sniffing around the ground in circles. When your puppy goes to the toilet in the correct area, reward them with plenty of praise and treats. 

If your puppy has an indoor accident, it’s important to clean it up immediately to avoid your puppy thinking it’s a toilet spot. Don’t scold them as this will only cause anxiety and fear around potty time.

Although French Bulldogs aren’t as active as many other breeds, it’s still important for them to remain active. If you have a new French Bulldog specialist, one of the first things you’ll want to do is get them used to a leash. 


Start by getting your Frenchie used to wearing the leash indoors and slowly progress to leash training outdoors. This time is also a great opportunity to get your Frenchie used to unfamiliar noises such as cars passing or children playing. 

Socialising your French Bulldog early is key to ensuring they get along well with people and other pets. Although French Bulldogs are known for being friendly and sociable, they can also be very protective which can lead to aggressive behaviours. 


During the first four months of your puppy’s life, introduce them to as many different people and places as possible. You’ll want to make these experiences as positive as possible by providing them with plenty of praise and treats.


Frenchies can also pick up on your body language, so it’s important to be as open and relaxed as possible.

Although chewing is a natural behaviour, you’ll want to discourage your puppy from chewing on things they’re not supposed to. Instead of punishing your dog for chewing, redirect them to an appropriate item such as a bone or durable chew toy. 


It’s best to avoid plushies and squeaker toys which can be easily destroyed. If your puppy doesn’t seem interested in chew toys, you can make them more appealing by adding a puppy-friendly treat. 

Biting and mouthing behaviours are common in puppies and many people find it cute. However, you’ll want to teach your puppy that it’s not okay to bite to prevent them from hurting others down the road. 

Similarly to chewing behaviours, you can redirect mouthing or biting by providing appropriate chew toys. If your puppy starts to nip your hands during playtime, redirect them to a toy and award them with praise if they play with it. 

Bite inhibition, or teaching your puppy to use their mouth softly with people, is another important lesson. When they start to nip or bite you, remove your attention from them and stand up or walk away. Make sure your family does this too, and your puppy will learn that biting means playtime stops. 

General care

Around 60 minutes of exercise a day is plenty for adult French Bulldogs. They will enjoy playing with toys, running around the yard, or short daily walks. However, it’s important to keep in mind that they can easily overheat. To prevent heat stroke, you’ll need to take precautions such as sticking to the shade during your walks or avoiding them altogether if it’s too hot. 

Frenchie puppies will require around five minutes of exercise for each month of their age. Preventing over-exercising will help reduce the possibility of joint and mobility issues down the track. Allow puppies the opportunity to sniff around as they walk and safely interact with other people and animals.

Typically, French Bulldogs should be fed two meals a day. These meals should be composed of up to ¾ of a cup of dry dog food or homemade dog food approved by your vet. Your vet can also help determine your dog’s individual nutritional needs based on their age, size, activity level, and medical history. 

A proper diet is also key to maintaining a healthy weight and preventing canine obesity which can shorten your dog’s lifespan.

It’s also important to be aware of what not to feed your French Bulldog. For example, chocolate is toxic to French Bulldogs (and all dogs). Chocolate’s toxicity is due to a chemical called theobromine. 

Since it can be dangerous in even small amounts, you should see your vet if you think your dog has consumed any chocolate. Other dangerous foods and drinks include Xylitol (a common sugar substitute), alcohol, grapes, and macadamia nuts.

Since French Bulldogs’ fur is so fine, shedding usually isn’t a big issue. However, brushing your Frenchie weekly is still necessary to remove dead hair and keep their coat shiny and healthy. The best way to do this is with a rubber grooming mitt or hound glove. 

Frenchies are a generally clean breed but will need a bath when they get visibly dirty. Since they are prone to allergies and skin issues, purchasing a vet-recommended shampoo is a good idea. When bathing your Frenchie, take care not to get their face wet. Infections can quickly arise if moisture gets trapped in the folds of their face. 

After bath time, gently check the folds for irritation. Dog-friendly baby wipes are a great way of keeping the folds clean. Keep an eye out for red patches or hotspots as these might indicate an allergic reaction which you should consult with your vet about.

Although their smushed faces are adorable, their face shape can affect the safety of common situations such as travelling. When travelling with your French Bulldog, you’ll need to take certain precautions to prevent overheating. 

For example, you should never leave your Frenchie unattended in a vehicle. If you’re travelling by plane, your Frenchie should ride with you in a carrier in the passenger compartment.

Frenchies also tend to be sensitive to weather. When it’s hot outside you should keep your Frenchie inside as much as possible. When you do take them outside, stick to the shade and keep an eye out for signs of overheating. During the colder months, a coat will help keep your pup comfortable as the temperature drops.

Introducing your new French Bulldog to other pets can seem daunting at first. By following the steps below, you can make the process as smooth as possible.

By introducing the dogs in a neutral place, you’ll help them to feel comfortable and reduce the likelihood of territorial behaviours. During the first meeting, both dogs should be leashed and you should walk them towards each other slowly. Give your French Bulldog plenty of praise if they behave well.

If the initial meeting is successful, it’s time for another meeting. This time, the dogs will be off-leash. It’s best to use the same meeting point as the dogs will already be familiar with the area. Keep this meeting short so the dogs don’t get too over-excited.

By continuing these regular meetings, your Frenchie will become more comfortable with his new friend. Try to focus on introducing your Frenchie to one dog at a time to avoid overwhelming them.

Allowing your dog to meet his new friend at home is an important step, especially if you’re considering getting another dog. This will teach your Frenchie to be accommodating of other dogs and not act territorial. 

Allow the other dog to come into your home off-leash and keep an eye out for any signs of aggression from your Frenchie. If you notice aggressive behaviour, pull your Frenchie back and remove them from the room if necessary. This will teach them to behave.

Once your Frenchie has successfully made one friend, they’re ready to make more!

Regular visits to the vet will help keep your French Bulldog healthy and identify any health concerns before they become serious problems. You’ll also need to keep them up-to-date on vaccinations to prevent infections such as rabies, parvovirus, and kennel cough.

Like other breeds, French Bulldogs are susceptible to fleas, ticks, and heartworm. Your vet will be able to tell you about flea and tick risks in your area and preventative measures you can take.

9 Fun Facts about French Bulldogs

  1. French Bulldogs are popular among celebrities

    French Bulldogs are popular among the stars! French Bulldogs are the beloved pets of some big names such as Lady Gaga, Reese Witherspoon, and Hugh Jackman. 

  2. French Bulldogs aren’t great swimmers

    Unlike other breeds, French Bulldogs aren’t the best swimmers. With a large head, short legs, and heavy bones, it’s difficult for them to float. This means you should always keep an eye on them around the swimming pool or other water sources. 

    Although they can’t swim, some French Bulldogs love water and might enjoy a run through the sprinklers on a hot day.

  1. French Bulldogs are popular among celebrities

    French Bulldogs are popular among the stars! French Bulldogs are the beloved pets of some big names such as Lady Gaga, Reese Witherspoon, and Hugh Jackman.

  2. French Bulldogs aren’t great swimmers
    Unlike other breeds, French Bulldogs aren’t the best swimmers. With a large head, short legs, and heavy bones, it’s difficult for them to float. This means you should always keep an eye on them around the swimming pool or other water sources. 

  3. French Bulldogs sleep for 10 to 13 hours a day
    French Bulldogs definitely love their sleep – with adult Frenchies sleeping for around 10 to 13 hours per day. Older French Bulldogs will get tired more quickly and require more sleep.

    Sometimes, French Bulldogs may even sleep with their eyes open! If you notice your pup having a snooze with its eyes open, don’t be alarmed. There are many reasons a dog may sleep with their eyes open, including:

    • They are not fully asleep – dogs that are just dozing off may still have their eyes open
    • They are trying to stay alert – it’s theorised that keeping their eyes open while sleeping is a habit related to evolution
    • They are in REM sleep – It’s common for dogs to sleep with their eyes partly open during REM sleep or when they’re dreaming. If your dog is dreaming, you may also notice eye movements along with twitching and barking.

  4. They stop growing at 2 years old
    Although each French Bulldog is different, they tend to reach their greatest height in the first year. They bulk up between 12 and 24 months old and the rate they develop is affected by nutrition, genetics, and general health.

  5. They drool a lot

    Drooling is normal for French Bulldogs due to the form of their jaws and lips and usually happens when they overheat. Drool also helps French Bulldogs to chew and digest food. If you notice your French Bulldog puppy is drooling more than usual, it might be teething.

    However, you should contact your vet if your dog is drooling excessively or if the drooling is severe and abrupt.

  6. They can be very noisy
    French Bulldogs usually aren’t big barkers but they do like to make their voices heard through a combination of growls, howls, yips, and yawns. They also tend to fart a fair amount which is due to their sensitive stomachs. Farting is usually caused by a change in diet and eating too quickly can make it worse.

  7. They love bananas
    French Bulldogs love bananas! Although they’re a great source of Vitamin C and potassium, they’re also high in sugar and should only be given as a treat. French Bulldogs also enjoy other fruit including apples and strawberries.

French Bulldog Breed Standards: What to Look for When Choosing a Puppy

If you’re looking for a French Bulldog for sale, choosing a reputable breeder is key.

A responsible breeder should conduct the recommended health testing for their breeding stock which includes:

  • Hip X-rays for Hip Dysplasia (taken when the dog is over 12 months old)
  • Spine X-rays for major defects and screen for the long-term stability of the spine
  • DNA testing for hereditary conditions 


How To Choose a Healthy Puppy

Happy and healthy parents are a good sign, and your breeder should be willing to answer any questions you may have about them. It’s a good idea to ask about the parents’ age and history before you purchase a puppy.

Looking at a puppy’s eyes and coat can give you an insight into their health. Their eyes should be bright and vibrant without redness or yellowness. A healthy puppy should also have a coat that is soft and shiny.

If you come across a price that seems too good to be true, be cautious as cheap puppies may not have been bred healthily.

Deformed vertebrae (also known as Hemivertebrae) are a common issue among French Bulldogs. Dogs with hemivertebrae will have a misalignment of the spinal cord which can lead to pain, weakness, and an inability to walk. Hemivertebrae are assessed by the following scoring:

  • Grade 1 partially wedged vertebrae: score 1 
  • Grade 2 fully wedged vertebrae: score 2
  • Grade 3 Double-wedged (butterfly) vertebrae: score 3

The breed median is currently sitting at 14 and dogs with scores higher than 15 are recommended to be excluded from breeding. Ideally, you should see if the puppy has been back scored but don’t just accept if a breeder tells you that a back is ‘healthy’ because it’s passed an x-ray. 

Seek advice from a Brachycephalic vet who can look at the x-rays and interpret the back scores. You should ask for the exact score, how many of each grade of vertebrae and where in the spine they are located. This is because different areas of the spine carry different risks.

Knose recommends buying French Bulldogs only from reputable breeders who can provide you with all the necessary information including health screening results and the history of the parent dogs and their lineage. 

Questions to ask the breeder

French Bulldogs should only have one litter a year and ideally, they should be a couple of years apart. More than that may mean she is being over-bred which can lead to health issues.

It is the breeder’s responsibility to have the puppies checked by a vet before they are available for purchase. You shouldn’t purchase a puppy that hasn’t been health checked.

Asking whether the parents have had health checks will give you an insight into which health conditions to look out for down the road. Common health issues that affect French Bulldogs include hip problems, cataracts, cherry eye, deafness, and soft palate issues.  

Knowing where the puppies have been living will give you a good idea of how much socialisation and human contact they’ve already had. Puppies that have been handled frequently will have an easier time adjusting to their new home.

A reputable breeder will have no problem letting you talk to previous clients. Be wary of breeders who seem hesitant to provide these references.

According to Dogs Australia, potential owners should follow the three R’s before committing to buying a French Bulldog puppy:

  1. Right time – is it the right time for your family to get a puppy?
  2. Right breed – is a French Bulldog the right breed for you? Have you done all the necessary research to determine whether a French Bulldog suits your lifestyle?
  3. Right breeder – is your breeder responsible, operating under a code of ethics, with regulations and health checks?

Commonly Asked Questions About French Bulldogs

The ideal home environment for a French Bulldog is one with plenty of human companionship and affection. Since their exercise needs aren’t very high and they don’t tend to bark much, they are well suited to apartment living. 

French Bulldogs can easily overheat and aren’t good swimmers, meaning they won’t suit owners who are looking for an active pet to hike, camp, and swim with. French Bulldogs usually get along with children of all ages, making them great family pets. However, you should still supervise all interactions with children to make sure they are being gentle with each other.

Although a French Bulldog’s price will vary based on a number of factors, a French Bulldog puppy from fully health-tested parents will typically cost around $4000 to $5000. However, keep in mind that the cost of owning a French Bulldog will go beyond the initial cost of purchasing the puppy. Frenchies tend to be expensive to maintain and ongoing expenses will include:

  • Food 
  • Veterinary care
  • Grooming
  • Accessories  
  • Insurance 

It’s important to ensure that you’re in a financial position to be able to cover all these expenses as well as any other unexpected costs that may arise.

As long as they’re properly trained and socialised, they should get along very well with children and other pets. Poor socialisation or behavioural issues may impact their ability to get along with other dogs. 

If you notice any aggressive behaviours, you should find the cause and address it immediately. If you are unsure about the cause, it’s best to ask your vet to recommend local dog trainers or behaviourists to help.

French Bulldogs don’t tend to bark a lot, although some dogs will be more vocal than others. Some of the main reasons your French Bulldog will bark include:

  • To be protective of their owner, such as when the doorbell rings 
  • To let you know they want something, such as attention, food, or to be let outside
  • To let you know that they’re hurt or in pain

Although French Bulldogs are intelligent, they also tend to be stubborn which might be an obstacle to training. This means plenty of patience is required and you might need to test out a few different methods of training to find which works best. Ensuring that training is fun and involves plenty of treats will help make your Frenchie more interested.

If you’re the proud new owner of a French Bulldog and you’re looking for insurance to cover your new BFF, get in contact with our team at Knose or follow this link to get a quick, no-obligation quote.

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