Border Collie running on the shores of a beach - Knose

Pet Insurance can feel complicated but it doesn’t have to be

  • Award-winning pet insurance designed with the help of vets.
  • No sub-limits or hidden costs.
  • Customise your plan to help fit your budget.
  • Australian-based customer care.
Get a Quote

Get your pet insurance quote in just 2 minutes.

Extensive pet insurance coverage for your pet’s health needs

Knose Pet Insurance has been built from the ground up with vets’ advice to provide a straightforward and customisable insurance plan.

Our flexible options make it simple to tailor your pet insurance cover.

  • Choose your desired Annual Limit, Benefit Percentage, and Annual Excess.
  • There are no sub-limits or hidden costs.
  • You can also add Optional Extra Benefits if you’d like to include cover for Dental Illness, Behavioural Conditions and Specialised Therapies.
  • All Knose customers get free access to Pet Health Hotline. Find out if you need to take your pet to the vet, ask specific questions or get general advice, any time, day or night.

✔ Up to $25,000 Annual Limit

✔ Up to 90% Benefit Percentage

✔ Choose $200, $100 or $0 Annual Excess

✔ Select Optional Extra Benefits

✔ Enjoy no Sub-limits

✔ Access Pet Health Hotline 24/7 for free

Get your free pet insurance quote in just 2 minutes.

girl holding a white dog in her lap knose dog insurance

20+ Excellence Awards

Guarding your pet's well-being with proven excellence.

Why Knose has no sub-limits?

As a pet insurance business, Knose have really tried hard to stay away from jargon, to make the world of insurance easier to understand and to show exactly what you receive.

Another riddle with insurance are sub limits. You know if you are in a car accident, and you take it in for repair and they say sorry, you are not covered for metallic paint, there is a sub limit of $500. Any repair cost over $500 you have to reach into your pocket. You know. Sub Limits.

Knose Pet Insurance have NO SUB LIMITS. None. If you need to take your pet to the vet, you know what you are covered for.

Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance
Annual Limit
Benefit %
Annual Excess
Vet Bill
Claim Amount

An example of pet insurance cover for an Australian dog for tick paralysis.

Extensive pet insurance coverage and inclusions

a happy dog jumping and smiling midair - Knose dog insurance

What we Cover

If during the Period of Insurance and after any applicable Exclusion Period, Your Pet suffers an Injury due to an Accident and You incur Vet Costs for required Treatment (excluding Specialised Therapies), We will reimburse or pay a portion of Your incurred Vet Costs related to the Treatment up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance.

If during the Period of Insurance and after any applicable Exclusion Period, Your Pet suffers an Illness (excluding Dental Illness and Behavioural Conditions) and You incur Vet Costs for required Treatment (excluding Specialised Therapies), We will reimburse or pay a portion of Your incurred Vet Costs related to the Treatment up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance.

If during the Period of Insurance and after any applicable Exclusion Period, it is deemed necessary by Your Vet to euthanise Your Pet because of a covered Injury or Illness, We will reimburse or pay a portion of Your incurred Vet Costs related to euthanasia up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance.

If during the Period of Insurance and after any applicable Exclusion Period, Your Pet accompanies You on a trip of not more than sixty (60) days to New Zealand or Norfolk Island and suffers an Injury or Illness (excluding Dental Illness or Behavioural Conditions) and You incur Vet Costs for: a. required Treatment (excluding Specialised Therapies); and/or b. euthanasia if deemed humane and essential by Your Vet, We will reimburse or pay a portion of Your incurred Vet Costs related to Treatment and/or euthanasia up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance.

If during the Period of Insurance, You are unexpectedly hospitalised for four (4) or more consecutive days, and it is not reasonable for someone who lives with You to look after Your Pet and is therefore necessary for Your Pet to board at a licenced kennel or cattery, We will reimburse a portion of Your incurred boarding costs for a period of up to 30 days up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance.

Optional Extra Benefits (if selected)

Dental illnessIf during the Period of Insurance and after any applicable Exclusion Period, Your Pet suffers a Dental Illness and You incur Vet Costs for required Treatment (excluding Specialised Therapies), We will reimburse or pay a portion of Your incurred Vet Costs related to the Treatment up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance. Example Dental Illnesses: Dental diseases, gingivitis, periodontal disease.

If during the Period of Insurance and after any applicable Exclusion Period, Your Pet suffers a Behavioural Condition and You incur Vet Costs from a generalist Vet or a behavioural specialist Vet including costs related to supply of registered medications for required Treatment (excluding Specialised Therapies), We will reimburse or pay a portion of Your incurred Vet Costs related to the Treatment up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance. Example Behavioural Conditions: Dietary indiscretion, excessive licking, fur pulling, pacing, destructive chewing, anxiety, aggression and obsessive behavioural disorders.

If during the Period of Insurance and after any applicable Exclusion Period, Your Pet suffers an Injury or Illness and You incur Vet Costs for required Specialised Therapies Treatment, We will reimburse or pay a portion of Your incurred Vet Costs related to the Specialised Therapies Treatment up to the Benefit Percentage and subject to the Annual Limit and Annual Excess as shown in Your Certificate of Insurance. Example Specialised Therapies: Acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy.

What we Don’t Cover

A Pre-existing Symptom and Condition is defined as:

An Injury, Illness, Dental Illness, Behavioural Condition or Specified Condition 

(including Bilateral Conditions, recurrent Conditions and other Conditions that are related to, secondary to, or results of) that:

first occurred or showed symptoms of, or

was identified or investigated by a Vet, or

You were aware of or a reasonable person in the circumstances could be expected to have known about,

before Your Pet’s First Date of Cover, before any applicable Exclusion Period has finished, or if You increase Your cover before a change of cover became effective.

  • health exams, annual check-ups and vaccinations;
  • parasite prevention;
  • shampoo/conditioners including medicated ones;
  • food, including prescription food and supplements.

There is no cover for the spaying or neutering of your pet. We do however cover additional Vet Costs for required Treatment of complex cryptorchid (undescended testicles) if it is not a Pre-existing Symptom and Condition. We will reduce the Vet Costs by the amount the Vet would have charged for neutering before applying the Benefit Percentage.

We do not cover Vet Costs or any other costs attributable to Treatment for Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) unless the Brachycephalic Obstructive Airways Syndrome (BOAS) Application form is completed and accepted by Us.

  • Actions or neglect resulting in Vet Costs or additional Vet Costs including not following Your Vet’s advice
  • Vaccinatable diseases if not up to date with vaccinations

  • Specialised Therapies (unless You have chosen to include as Optional Extras Benefits)
  • Experimental Treatments
  • Breeding related Treatments
  • Elective procedures or activities

  • Emergency costs when it was not an emergency
  • Medications not registered or approved in Australia (or in New Zealand/Norfolk Island in respect of section 4 in the PDS)
  • Costs after Your Pet’s death

  • Exclusion Periods
  • Epidemics, pandemics or new influenza
  • Nuclear or radioactive weapons/materials
  • Acts of war or civil unrest
  • Any illness or injury whist Your Pet is under a transport company’s care, such as an airline or courier.

What our customers love about Knose

Get your pet insured, and
let the purr-tection begin!

Illustration icon of a cat jumping midair - Knose

Apply to reduce exclusion period

Illustration icon of a man and his two pet dogs - Knose

1 day only exclusion period for injury

Illustration icon of a labrador sitting on a chair - Knose

Optional cover for Dental Illness, Behavioural Conditions, and Specialised Therapies

Illustration icon of a woman wearing headphones - Knose

24/7 access to Pet Health Hotline

Get your pet insurance quote in just 2 minutes.

Tailored pet insurance coverage for every pet and budget

a Birman cat in the wheat field - Knose cat insurance

Here’s a summary of Knose Pet Insurance’s benefits:

  • Simply choose your desired Annual Limit, Benefit Percentage, and Annual Excess.
  • There are no sub-limits or hidden costs.
  • You can also add Optional Extra Benefits if you’d like to include cover for Dental Illness, Behavioural Conditions and Specialised Therapies.
  • All Knose customers get free access to Pet Health Hotline. Find out if you need to take your pet to the vet, ask specific questions or get general advice, any time, day or night.

Covers injury

Covers illness

Covers emergency boarding

Covers chronic conditions

Get your pet insurance quote in just 2 minutes.

Pre-existing Symptoms and Conditions and other exclusions, terms & conditions apply. Please see the Product Disclosure Statement for more details.

Discover our story

Our purpose is to make Australian pets the healthiest and happiest in the world.

Knose Founders - CEO Tiaan Dreyer & COO Nathan Harris

  • Pet care should be simple, easy and convenient.
  • Prevention is better than cure, but understand accidents and illness do happen.
  • Everyone should have access to, and be able to afford great pet care.
  • In the power and importance of local independent veterinary clinics.
  • Every customer, vet, pet owner and supplier should be treated with care and respect.

Read more about our story

Knose Pet Insurance Awards 2023

A brown dog is holding a brown envelope in its mouth.

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